It's your time to SHINE 

AQ Music音乐系的使命是为音乐专业和普通学生提供服务 教育学生:首先,加深对音乐的理解和体验 abundant diversity of cultures present today and through the ages; and, second, the verbal and technical skills to communicate that knowledge of music.

音乐系的角色是坚实教育中独特而珍贵的组成部分 within the context of the Catholic Dominican tradition. To further fulfill the Aquinas 学院的使命是,音乐系为学生提供学习课程 为研究生院和从事教学、礼仪音乐、指挥等工作, jazz studies, and performance.



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Throughout the school year, the Music Department hosts many concerts and events. All events are FREE and open to the public unless otherwise noted.View the event schedule







Olivia Vargas '18

"I was in almost every choir," said Olivia Vargas '18. A liturgical music graduate, 瓦格斯是这个项目中唯一一个用她的声音作为主要乐器的学生. 巴尔加斯热衷于通过唱歌来探索她的信仰,她是大多数人中的一员 of the on-campus singing groups, as well as off-campus churches and organizations. 为了成为一名音乐总监,巴尔加斯对音乐和信仰做出了承诺, looking to guide others in their own musical and faith journeys. 

faith and choir

作为底特律人,巴尔加斯最初被十大赌博登录官网的商业项目所吸引 entered the College as a dual major in music and business. However, after just one semester, "I fell in love music and less with business," said Vargas. Realizing a passion that had been rooted in singing in her home church's choir. "I really enjoy the messages that are coming from the music," she said.

在高中加入唱诗班后,她成为了教会青年小组的一员 巴尔加斯最终创作了自己的基督教音乐,她寻求对基督教的更深的理解 worship through music. These experiences "really propelled me into discovering this faith on my own," said Vargas. "I just wanted to know more." So, when faced with switching her major to focus solely on music, the decision was a no-brainer. What came next was the hard part.

作为礼仪音乐专业的一部分,学生需要指定一个小学 instrument. "It was a very difficult decision," said Vargas, who noted that most students choose piano or organ. "For me to be a voice emphasis is really not normal," she said. 再一次,瓦格斯跟随自己的心,成为节目中唯一的声乐音乐家, choosing to continue to hone her piano and eventually her organ skills as well. In the meantime, she began joining choir groups with fellow vocalists. 

瓦格斯很快成为了AQ大学合唱团,AQ大学歌手,AQ女子合唱团的重要成员 合唱团和布考斯基教堂合唱团,除了在她自己的当代演唱 Christian band, Islands of Mercy. She also serves as the choral librarian for Dr. 马克·韦伯,音乐副教授,她的四个合唱团中有三个是他指挥的 as well. 

"Olivia stood out for a few reasons," said Dr. Webb. "First is her natural talent 她是一个有天赋的音乐家——嗓音出众,钢琴技巧好,谱曲优美 songs. She was a tireless worker, and basically lived at the AMC, practicing (piano and voice) and studying."

这种职业道德,加上她对通过音乐探索信仰的热情,让她得到了认可 Vargas to be involved in so many groups, even holding an internship at St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Grand Rapids. Despite this experience, Vargas noted, "I have so much to learn."

但对于一个有着深厚天主教根基的音乐项目来说,“在十大赌博登录官网学习让它变得相当 easy to incorporate faith and worship in choir," said Dr. Webb. "Most of the music that we learn has sacred texts, which we can discuss quite freely."

音乐学位是一个多方面的和引人入胜的路径,利用许多学习方法 to investigate everything we recognize as Music. The great 20th Century American conductor 作曲家伦纳德·伯恩斯坦说过:“音乐可以命名无法命名的事物,并与之交流。 the unknowable.” While some degrees (such as the Bachelor of Arts) may be less of 与十大赌博正规平台在线(Aquinas College)提供的其他职业道路一样,定义独特的职业道路 音乐教育学士学位或音乐专业文学学士学位 在教会音乐,爵士乐或表演),这些研究的性质包括 音乐理论,钢琴,历史和文学,独奏和合奏,教育学 指挥、爵士乐等使学生能够培养雇主所需的技能 今天,自我指导、团队合作、解决问题、批判性思维、毅力、 verbal and written communication, and creativity. 

十大赌博正规平台在线,许多追求音乐以外专业的学生都渴望 继续他们的音乐参与和发展后,高中:制作 Music their Second Major; adding Music as a Minor; participating in Performing Groups for General Education credit; taking other Fine Arts or Humanities courses offered by the Music Department; or taking Lessons for credit - Private or Group Instruction -在钢琴,人声,吉他,铜管,弦乐,打击乐,竖琴,爵士乐等领域 Organ. Learning music is a meaningful and gratifying experience for people of all ages.

Quick Facts: Music Directors and Composers
2022 Median Pay $62,940 per year
$30.26 per hour
Typical Entry-Level Education Bachelor's degree
Work Experience in a Related Occupation Less than 5 years
On-the-job Training None
Number of Jobs, 2022 51,800
Job Outlook, 2022-32 1% (As fast as average)
Employment Change, 2022-32 6,000

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

music department essentials

Throughout the school year, the Music Department hosts many concerts and events. All events are FREE and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Click here to view the Music Events Calendar

Contact if you’d like more information.

Follow us on social media
Facebook: Music Department - Aquinas Choirs
Instagram: Music Department - Aquinas Choirs


Contact: Barbara Witham McCargar, M.M.
Office: Arts & Music Center 126
Phone: (616) 632-2417
FAX: (616) 732-4487

Art & Music Center, Aquinas College 
1700 Fulton St. E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49506 

Want to Request for Musicians from the AQ Music Department? 

Please complete this form for any on or off campus event(s) that you would like to request the involvement of the music department and its musicians. We ask that you allow 5 business days for a response back from a music department faculty or staff member.

> Request Musicians

1 Graduates are: teachers in PK-12 and higher ed positions; church musicians; choir and band conductors; opera, classical, jazz, folk, musical theatre, and pop performing artists; private and community school teachers; composers; directors of arts programs; songwriters; and hold master and doctoral degrees in many areas including Performance, 作曲,神圣的音乐,合唱指挥,教育,电影评分,和合作 Piano.
2 教师们获得了许多荣誉和奖项,包括:富布赖特奖, 总督卓越教学奖、导演卓越奖、青年艺术家奖 决赛选手,新世界美国传统歌唱比赛银奖得主 Symphony Fellow, International Touring Artist, Michigan Arts & Humanities Touring Artist, and multiple Grand Awards for musical theatre roles in West Michigan.
3 十大赌博登录官网有一台2017年的三手动Allen Bravura L333风琴和一台2012年的双手动风琴 拉克斯管风琴,210个座位的克雷奇默独奏厅,两个9英尺的音乐会三角 钢琴-施坦威和鲍德温-在舞台上,录音室,418个座位表演 艺术中心,以及30架来自顶级制造商的三角钢琴、立式钢琴和电子钢琴; Steinway, Schimmel, Boston, Kawai, Yamaha, Mason & Hamlin, Young Chang, Kurzweil, Roland, and Casio.
4 未来的音乐专业,未成年人和合奏演员必须申请和试镜 (现场的、虚拟的或录音的)以获得音乐奖学金 consideration. Almost every Music Major or Minor at Aquinas College receives a scholarship(s) from the department's endowments, over $100K this year. Talent scholarships are also 颁发给实力强大的器乐/声乐合奏演员,他们参加了导演的面试.